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Inspired 10/25/01

By Jim Herson

While it's never a good idea to mix climbers with respectable friends and family this week's trip report warrants an exception. No offense intended to the latter.

For non-climbers unfamiliar with the sacred weekend trip report below is a short primer to help parse the cryptic climbing lingo which follows: (of course the Herson clan can alway check with Aunt Pat for a translation)

El Capitan is a vast 3000' granite monolith in Yosemite Natl' Park. For a certain style of rock climbing it is unmatched. The Salathe is a famous route on El Capitan. I have been trying to climb the Salathe since the beginning of time. El Cap Spire is a spectacular detached pillar ~1500' up the Salathe.

The 10'x20' flat top of the Spire which overlooks much of Yosemite Valley is the most romantic spot on earth. Pitch 19 (P19) is the technical crux of the Salathe which has only been properly climbed once. Pitch 24 (the Teflon Corner) is a short, rarely climbed pitch that has caused me endless hassle. The Headwall (pitches 30 & 31), also known as Nirvana, is 2500' off the deck and is the answer to the conundrum of why we climb. Last summer after climbing 2500' I fell on essentially the last foot of the Headwall and have been moping ever since. Anne is a saint who has indulged my Salathe obsession beyond all known limits of human endurance. Greg is a good natured bloke who sometimes gets carried away in his worship of me. The tube chock is a ridiculous piece of climbing gear. The Huber brothers' bogus...awww forget it. The Steck-Salathe is another famous but shorter climb on a nearby formation. Rock climbing is something Anne and I used to do before Kara was born...

This weekend Anne and I enjoyed our first climbing trip together in three years. Thank goodness for grandparents! John & Sheila stepped up to the plate and took Kara for the weekend foolishly thinking their lifetime of experience and wisdom would be a match for our lovely 2yr old daughter's ballistic tantrums. I'll confess that lobbing a live grenade with the pin pulled into the lap of such loving and generous grandparents was not my proudest moment. But there's no room for false pride when there's stone to be climbed! Amazingly the three of them survived unscathed and, still seeming to have all mental facilities, claimed to have had a wonderful time with our "charming" daughter??? Passive aggressive grandparents can really mess with your mind.

Annie's fond of saying that I spend every waking minute on the Salathe where as in fact I'm lucky to get half a day every six months on the route. The truth of course lies somewhere in between. However the one thing we agreed upon was that our one weekend together would be a romantic getaway and not for obsessing on a dopey climb.

So our plan was to climb the Steck-Salathe until we over slept by 2hrs and had to skip the Steck part. Yup, much to Annie's dismay she found herself back on the Salathe! [The fact that I set the alarm is merely circumstantial evidence.] I nodded yes to her stipulation that we would stop climbing at 4:30 no matter what and that there would be no rappelling in the dark although to be honest I've never understood these pre-climb formalities when the term "dark" is just so subjective. We climbed the middle section (P12-P24) of the Salathe. Thanks to breezy conditions and out of respect for Anne's artistic sensibilities P19 went down in style without the absurd tube chock. Also this time Anne emerged from the Ear with her head intact. [Last time a piece pulled and slid down the rope bopping her on the head and spurting out an impressive amount of blood.] At the Spire we had our patented "it's getting late let's go down" / "ok, just three more pitches" 'discussion'. Three pitches later, having stuck to the Teflon Corner, Anne took advantage of my good mood and turned us around.

Back at the Spire the setting sun blanketed the Valley in a stunning alpenglow. It was truly inspiring. That morning after hearing about our change of climbing plans Greg had cracked "it's a good thing you're not married -- your marriage would ever last the Salathe." Tweaking Greggie has always been a top priority so I donned the kneepads, got down on my knees, came clean with the alarm snafu, and pleaded my pathetic case. Anne who was desperately dehydrated and just wanted to be on firm ground with a cold drink figured what the heck, every 15 years it's best to mix things up and agreed to marry me!


From: Sherry 

SERIOUSLY?! Congratulations!!! Oh my gosh, things must be freezing over
outside -- gotta run. :)

-- Sherry.

From: Diane Congrats, somehow the tone of this one made me read it to the end, the affection for Anne that kept resurfacing had me charmed. Very wonderful email and news! (and looking forward to Anne's pre-party...) -Diane
From: Jeannette Congrats! I just called Anne! I always love Jim's inspirational climbing notes! Yep, I'm sure the parties before and after will be fun! jeannette
From: Annie wonderful!!!!!!! I agree it isn't good to rush into things. I think greg and I went out for 9 years before deciding to get married. we will be looking forward to the food orgy complete with an inspiring dessert at the wedding. -A
From: Greg Snap out of it Anne! You were tired, thirsty, and lord knows your patience was was exhausted (probably before you even left the ground). It's perfectly understandable that you would have agreed to anything just to get back to terra firma and unrope from the Ahab of El Capitan, chasing the white whale of his own making (Sisyphus comes to mind also). There's still time to reconsider. However, should you decide to proceed, please reserve a nice tasty case of champagne for me; and reassure me that the event will not take place on Pitch 19. With deepest sympathy, Greg
From: Greg Further cautionary notes: Whereas Sisyphus was merely condemned to push a millstone of his own making alone, the tale of Ahab and his pursuit of the great white whale merits further consideration. As you will all recall, the book concludes with a stark image of the dead Ahab lashed to the side of Moby Dick (that is, the Salathe Wall). Not content to suffer this obsession alone into eternity, the arm of Ahab (that is, Jim) waves back and forth beckoning us (that is, Anne) to join him in the purpetual chase. Think about it Anne. It's not as if you couldn't do better. Why, five minutes spent trolling with a 20 dollar bill in Camp 4 would likely turn up better, and certainly more emotionally balanced, prospects for matrimony. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to the champagne (a case should do quite nicely for me) and I do like smoked salmon on those nice cripsy melba toast cracker things. As far as the main course, salmon again, but a red meat and vegatarian selection is almost mandatory these days. Dessert will be tricky because of the exceptioanlly high standards i bring to the banquet. This deserves some thought and creativity and I'll get back to you on this. However, do NOT go with one of the soul-less, anonymous white cake with white frosting option no matter what. Good luck Greg
From: Peter Wow. Excellent report with a big surprise ending. Of course the real coup would have been to have had bivy gear stashed on the spire--then you could have taken advantage of Anne's good will and finished the route the next day. Congratulations!
From: T AWWWWWWW! Sooooooooooooo romantic!!! Gosh, I don't think Peter loves me enough. All I got when I was proposed to was a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day... You're a lucky gal, Anne. Wait, did you get dinner? how about a head lamp for the descent? Or would 2 head lamps been too much weight? Congratulations to you both. Does this mean the ceremony is on El Cap Spire? 'Cause if we are invited, I better learn how to jumar... All the best, T.
From: Peter Hey, mitts off, big guy! T is booked up for the next couple of years while I work Crack of Despair.... ---------- >From: Jim >To: T > > >Congratulations to you both. Does this mean the ceremony is on El Cap > >Spire? 'Cause if we are invited, I better learn how to jumar... > > T you're a saint! Where did you find such a woman Pete-man? Just when > I ran out of Salathe partners T steps up to the plate and saves > the dream. [Or is that prolongs the agony?] Thanks!!! > > -Jim >
From: Evan Bad news Jim -- Greggie is right -- the marriage wouldn't have survived the Salathe. ;-) Congratulations! I am going to check with you in 15 years and ask you to do a 'diff'. Anything else changing? Yoicks! Never have a house built -- I didn't even know that I had it in me to be obsessing about door knobs. -e
From: Peter Congrats Dudes! We actually did make it to the end, but couldn't think of a sufficiently funny response... Your pursuit of the Salathe reminds me of playing that game Labyrinth when I was a kid -- did you ever play it? It took forever to get that little ball to the end of the maze. And of course, then you get to start over again backwards! P
From: Hans Wow! If you would take up an obsession on a route LIKE THE NOSE, you could be done with it by noon and have the rest of the day with the family and your WIFE! A great way to be the perfect dad, husband, and all around partner. My wife and child are in Texas from October 28th to November 4th. Perfect for you to give me a tow, or two, up the best line in the world. what say you to a mid week sneak away adventure. ( I'll throw in all the slings you want.) Hans
From: Cousin Deb Dear Jim, Anne and Kara, Congratulations! We are so happy for you all! What a great story. When, where and how? Hope you are all keeping sane in this crazy time....I know I'm not!! Love to you all, Debbie, Michael, Jacob and Zachary P.S. Coming back East anytime soon?
From: Clint I like a story with a happy ending! Congrats! Clint
From: Ken Jim, Incredible....nice story (the parts I understand, anyway)...but it's clear your obseesion for Anne is intense and now on the precipice of fulfillment (ok, that's the best rock-word-use I can muster). You've always done things with a unique and interesting twist (play before work; california instead of new jersey -- is Bell Labs still expecting you to walk through the door?; living together before marriage; kid before wedding) and wrestling (which is something I'll just never understand). Wedding...most excellent. Congratulations. So far your life has been full of happiness and joy, which is the ultimate objective that so few people reach. And it seems like it will continue which is even better. Will the nuptials take place on El Capitan as you projected over a hundred moons ago? And why, when you rearrange the letters in Salathe, do you get Hat Sale? Al's Heat? At Leash? Slate, Ha!
From: Cousin Leslie Jim and Anne, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! We are happy for you and surprised!! Love, Leslie and David
From: Grandma Smith Bravo on all counts! Are you going to invite the grandparents, or are you going to hold the ceremony on the Salathe? love, Catherine
From: Anut Pat & Uncle Ron You Two, Loved every breath-taking minute of Steck/Salathe - both of those guys our buddies - Steck in Tibet and Salathe at Slab City, Arizona! And, best of all, the inspiration itself. We love it, we love it. Any date? Or will the actual wedding be in a site accessible to amateur mountain-lovers??? Congrats and wishes for lots more inspirational climbs. Love, Pat and Ron
From: Aunt Audrey Dearest Jim, What a masterpiece! Congratulations. When, What, Where and How? I don't know how to express how happy I am for you both. Please keep me advised. I must call Sheila and John right now. I LOVE you. Audrey
From: Hal Wonders never cease! Now, of course, you're going to have to honeymoon on top of El Cap Spire. But I guess that was the plan all along... Hal
From: Bill Jim, I didn't know you weren't married. I assumed you were, of course. You are a very lucky man. I don't even know you and I know that. You have great friends and great family. You have the perfect wife-to-be. You have a beautiful daughther. You are dedicated and hard working and one of the best granite crack climbers in the world! Plus, you are a gifted writer. I'm so jealous - mostly about your writing skills, but also your climbing. Once again, a brilliant report. Just so clever and so well crafted. Congratulations to you and Anne! I really long to meet you properly someday... Bill
From: Mom I hope everyone reads InSpired (clever title but too long for non-climbers). I have heard from Ron and Pat and Doug. Lynn and Ron read the whole thing and insisted that Pat and Doug finish reading while both protested it was too long. Just heard from Aunt Virginia and Lynn prompted her to finish reading. You have nothing to worry about now with Lynn being in charge. I NEED a Kara update. Tell me everything. Love, Mom
From: Jim Herson To: family: ;, friends: ;, climbers: ; Subject: InSpired: the *cliff* notes As a group you do not have a very impressive attention span. Most complained our announcement was unconscionably long. Sorry about that. The point was only that we're getting married. The few that waded through to the end responded something like: From: Greg Murphy Snap out of it Anne! You were tired, thirsty, and lord knows your patience was was exhausted (probably before you even left the ground). It's perfectly understandable that you would have agreed to anything just to get back to terra firma and unrope from the Ahab of El Capitan, chasing the white whale of his own making (Sisyphus comes to mind also). There's still time to reconsider. However, should you decide to proceed, please reserve a nice tasty case of champagne for me; and reassure me that the event will not take place on Pitch 19. With deepest sympathy, Greg
From: Ashok Ok, I'll admit it, I needed the Cliff notes. Anne, is he always that prone to circumlocution? Congratulations, guys! Ashok
From: Joel You guys aren't married? .... well, congratulations! Joel
From: John Congratulations! I think this is really great.
From: Mark Hi Jim, It is very nice to hear from you. Wow marriage - that's impressive - what does it mean for a couple that's been together so long. Are tax laws must be changing. I guess JR is next in line. I seem to remember that you have already done your house construction projects and perhaps this led to the proposal. (At this point, it is still just a marriage proposal right?) Passive - Aggressive grandparents - I like that. Regards to everyone, pls tap Kara on the head three times with a small soccer ball. -mark
From: Anne Hello Jim, Am I interprteting your e-mail correctly when I read that you and Anne are also going to officially get married? What an awesome place to propose. I was proposed to in El Cap meadow with a bubble gum ring. You climbers! Yahoo... Thank you so much for coming to our celebration. I would have liked to have spent more time with you. Your daughter is SO cute, by the way. Wow. Anne L
From: Troy Jim That is the best photo of Anne I have seem yet! Thank you. So, Congratulations are in order! I did not know if I should trust your first e-mail. I thought that maybe the seasonal delusions associated with El Cap. outings were taking hold. But now that it is for real Congratulations! And do not worry too much about the neigh sayers, for guys like you and me the whole marriage thing is not that big of a deal, you've already become accustom to the hard work, now you get to celebrate your relationship with a cool party with all your friends. (Although I would not be surprised if dislodging the sword from the stone and redpointing the Salathe becomes a condition for marriage) Troy
From: John when's the wedding John
From: Kari You are to congratulated, you two. Very exciting!!!! Chris was beaming with the news when he came home. We'll toast to you guys soon at our home. Kari PS. As I emailed Anne, the greatest news was that Kara and your parents made it through the weekend apparently unscathed and the better for it!! Do I see a repeat performance in the future from these wonder grandparents? ;)
From: Marie No *way* are you guys getting married. I know better than that. Come on, what's really up? Marie
From: John Y. >While it's never a good idea to mix climbers with respectable friends >and family this week's trip report warrants an exception. No offense >intended to the latter. ... followed by lots of whiny blather, then... WHAM!!! That was the best shaggy-dog story ever! Not only did the long preamble properly misdirect and obfuscate, but it even lulled me into a stuporiferous hypnotic trance that almost made me miss the significance of the twist at the very end. Masterful! Explains both how you got Anne to say "yes," and how you still manage to recruit belay partners. Congratulations!!!!!!!! /JP
From: David >Pitch 19 (P19) is the >technical crux of the Salathe which has only been properly climbed >once. I detect a bit of modesty lurking here. Fess up! >This weekend Anne and I enjoyed our first climbing trip together in >three years. Thank goodness for grandparents! John & Sheila stepped up >to the plate and took Kara for the weekend foolishly thinking their >lifetime of experience and wisdom would be a match for our lovely 2yr >old daughter's ballistic tantrums. Riley will NEVER do such things. Our sweet Riley? Screams? Tantrums? Our plan is for him to skip age two. Go straight from one to three. Why haven't other parents thought of this plan before? >So our plan was to climb the Steck-Salathe until we over slept by 2hrs >and had to skip the Steck part. Yup, much to Annie's dismay she found >herself back on the Salathe! [The fact that I set the alarm is merely >circumstantial evidence.] Anyone outside your relationship would know this would happen. She didn't stand a chance once she had agreed to go to the Valley. Heck, once she had agreed to leave the Bay Area! >... that there would be no >rappelling in the dark although to be honest I've never understood >these pre-climb formalities when the term "dark" is just so >subjective. Ahhhh, you're beginning to see the One True Way. >At the >Spire we had our patented "it's getting late let's go down"/"ok, just >three more pitches" 'discussion'. Three pitches later, having stuck to >the Teflon Corner, Anne took advantage of my good mood and turned us >around. Hmmm, this says Anne stuck the Teflon Corner.... did you mean that? >Back at the Spire the setting sun blanketed the Valley in a stunning >alpenglow. It was truly inspiring. That morning after hearing about >our change of climbing plans Greg had cracked "it's a good thing >you're not married -- your marriage would ever last the Salathe." >Tweaking Greggie has always been a top priority so I donned the >kneepads, got down on my knees, came clean with the alarm snafu, and >pleaded my pathetic case. Anne who was desperately dehydrated and >just wanted to be on firm ground with a cold drink figured what the >heck, every 15 years it's best to mix things up and agreed to marry >me! Jim, I'd be worried. Last night I had a 1/2-hour conversation with her and she didn't mention this minor detail. "Jim? Jim who? Oh I remember, a former climbing partner. Why I saw him just last weekend as a matter of fact. I think he's come down with some sort of obsessive-compulsive disorder...." CONGRATULATIONS! Dave
From: Cousin Lynn Dear Jim and Anne, We loved your trip report!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! We are so excited.....we can hardly believe it and we are almost speechless. Very best to you both... when will the big event be? Again, CONGRATULATIONS! Lynn & Doug & Jeff (we will forward to Jen at school)
From: Mike I was in the midst of composing my own response, when this came through, and I recognized that Greg had hit the nail on the head. I particularly like the reference to Ahab. However, is this just the first in a string of annual announcements of your and Anne's pending betrothal that I'm going to hear (like leaving SRI, or moving to Boulder)? I'll believe it when you put the ring on her finger (up till then it's all just talk). Sincerely, Friend of Ahab PS. Congratulations.
From: Jo Dear Jim, I loved your email, though I got almost completely lost in your description of climbing El Capitan. Needless to say, I cannot even imagine climbing the thing or ever thinking about climbing the thing! So, I am okay with having had to skim the climbing jargon. I did, however, get the gist of your message -- you were both exhausted; possibly Anne was remembering that she is a mother; and, in short, you are getting married! My words are, as usual, gibberish. Great news! Jo
From: Merle I did wade through to the end........and I commented "the best to all of you". The real truth is I did not know you were not married.....I don't remember Scott telling me that, so I read it and read it and wondered what/if I was missing something. So, in order not to appear stupid I said "the best........." which was taking the fifth....." Congratulations and when and it's about time and wonderful!!!!! Merle
From: Cousin David I didn't read it either :-) I almost never read long email messages. I'm very glad you sent this followup although I'm sure I would have heard it from Leslie who just told me she read the entire note! Congratulations! I have no doubt that certain other family members are very happy about this :-) Cheers, David
From: Tom Felicitations on your pending nuptials!!!! You were quite close-lipped about this auspicious (and perspiration-provoking news) last night. Quite a bombshell announcement, if I may say so myself. And don't forget to plant a sapote to commemorate this pending event.
From: Itso Congratulations jim and Ane, this is great, and so romantic. I can't agree with you more about EL Cap spire. may be one of those days and I will get up there again. Itso
From: Allen All silliness aside, a hearty congratulations to you both! That this sort of misleading trickery that could succeed on someone who knows you so well as Anne gives me grave concern for the lesser of your would-be partners, such as myself. Be forewarned, we are on to you. A
From: Cousin Jackie Dear Jimmy, Anne and Kara, CONGRATS We are so happy you returned alive and kicking from Yosemite and that Anne has decided Jim is a good catch for a lifetime of adventure and comraderie. We are thrilled for your wedding announcement. Beware, now everyone will nag you about time and place...DB is betting on elopement & I guess a Springtime event to capture the hearts of all those who love you. I will call John and Sheila and give them my best regards. If she doesn't hear "No" from you now, she will go thru life at a later stage and still have temper tantrums when she is no longer cute and cuddly. Enuf advise from us old farts, our kids are out of the house now more than here and it's oddly quiet. We love you, jackie & dan
From: Heidi Jim, Although I'm tardy, I'd like to weigh in. I thought the whole point of the story (however not short) is you did the climb you'd always wanted:). Did I miss something? Ah, the marriage thing.....that was the point. I've lost the touch wading through all the literature I've read over the years. CONGRATULATIONS. This calls for a celebration, but I fear you might think that's what you had with that climb. I mean a wedding. Will you and Anne engage in something so mundane and pedestrain as a wedding? And will Kara be the flower girl? It's not exactly tradition, and I'm sure you've got a line-up a mile long, but I'd like to offer to give you away! Please say you're doing something along the lines of a walk down the aisle (no climb up the peak or city hall thing). Do not disappoint me (you know it's all about me, right?). I'm thrilled for you two. Send me an invitation (I want so badly to wish Anne "good luck"--this is the message you had for Bill if I remember correctly!). If it's a tiny affair or you really are having nothing at all, at least register. Not being familiar with the latest in climbing gear, I can, better than anybody I might add, get you the most perfect blender. BEst, best, best to the both of you. Hugs,
From: Jacques Congratulations from both of us, we will be relieved only once we know that you are not living in sin anymore. We are in Telluride for a few days, in Ann's brother high luxury chalet ... rough! We are thinking of El Rito New Mexico soon. Do you know the place?
From: Amy Jim- I actually read through to the end... Mazel Tov, and it's about time. When is the happy day? I'm really excited for both of you (and Kara). I was looking through my on-line pictures to send you some, but there were no good ones of me. Do you want to see my beautiful children? My son is turning 13 next month, and already he's taller. Can you believe? Amy
From: Scott Hey Jimmy, I just read your message. Wow! It took you 15 years to say "Let's get married!"? Guess you wanted to make sure "she's the one" before committing.:-D Congratulations from the whole Halpryn clan. Btw, I now work for a company based out of Redwood City. I hope to look you up if I have an excuse to get out there. Scott
From: Cousin Jill YAY!!!!!! Your eloquent announcement befits such thrilling and uplifting news! All the best to you, Anne, Jim and Kara. As we say in the food service industry: Break an Egg! ~With love, Jill
From: Chris Jim, This is wonderful news. My heartfelt congratulations to both of you. Chris
From: Vicki Didn't know you were such a great story teller, too, JJ. No wonder AQS said yes! We're soooooo delighted about the news (belated bday wishes)--Congrats! V.
From: Mimi thanks for the cliff notes, i might have missed the news otherwise. so, being a self-centered hedonist, when's the party? To: Mimi From: Jim ouch! The woman who reads *everything* won't even read my TRs. Ok, they are getting a bit long and monotonous. I think Sam just put me in his kill file. Should I take you off the list? Whether we elope or have a party one thing for sure is that we're going to make all our friends get pedicures and dress them up in clown outfits. Jim
From: Cousin Jen Dear Jimmy and Anne, Congratulations on your engagement! We are all so excited for you. Hope to see you soon. Love Always- Jen
From: Chad Jim,, Congratulations.........Sounds pretty romantic....... You are my hero..... Someday I aspire to something similar...... Guess I should start to work on a new date...... Chad
From: Aunt Pat & Uncle Ron Subject: Attention-deficient relatives! Hi Anne and Jim, Well, those who neglected to read your entire email deserved to miss the inspired ending. Lots of love, Pat
From: Bob Jim ... Congratulations!!! ... Bob
From: Prasanna Congratulations Jim (and Anne). Great news! Prasanna
From: Elin > pleaded my pathetic case. Anne who was desperately dehydrated and > just wanted to be on firm ground with a cold drink figured what the > heck, every 15 years it's best to mix things up and agreed to marry > me! > Now you've got me confused. We simple folk from the [conservative, christian] north country don't understand a thang about cliff hangers, except what we see in the movie house when Tom Cruise does it. Are you telling me you have a 2 year old child with a womin you aint married to?!!! Well, I suppose I can get past all of that as long as you let us groupies attend the party. In lieu of that, just keep the climbin exploits newsletters coming. elin [perhaps you should get this official business taken care of before we have to reenroll in our benefits]
From: Naomi if you get bored, just skip to the end. blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah blah blah. . . . . . . .blah blah Congratulations Jim and Anne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: David Congratulation. Jim. It's about time! David
From: Janet Jim, congratulations!!! This was a great story also. Good writing. Have you set a date? Janet
From: Richard Anne & Jim Somehow I forgot to reply to your wonderful announcement. My reply was going to be along the lines of, how can you do this to us, are you leaving us as the sole non-nuptual, kid and mortgage encumbered flag bearers. But then something happened, in our case in a restaurant just off Union Square. Not as breathtaking a location as Yosemite Valley, but a momentous occasion none the less. We will getting married on March 1st at City Hall in San Francisco. We would like to invite you to a party at our house that evening, so if you could send me your address, I will put an invite in the mail. Regards Rick PS congrats to you both. Have you actually done it yet?
From: Tuan Congratulations Jim (on your future marriage, not on climbing the teflon corner).
From: Anne Date: June 27, 2003 Subject: Re: Inspired That was over a year and a half ago. Our second child is due in July, just a few months shy of the second anniversary of your proposal. Shouldn't we have brought up our wedding plans in conversation by now? Love, Anne PS How was the Headwall this past weekend?
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